Dental caries, or dental cavities, are generally caused by a break down of the dental tooth’s enamel. This break down is caused by bacteria inside the mouth that break down food particles and produce harmful acid that erodes tooth enamel and causes dental caries. The most common areas that caries commonly occur include the lower portion of your lower jaw or the inside of your upper molar teeth. However, dental caries can also occur in other areas of your mouth. This includes the cheeks, the back teeth, and even the gums.

Dental decay is an acid based decay that forms inside tooth enamel because of a buildup of plaque. Plaque, which is made up of different kinds of bacteria, has a hard time penetrating through the gums and the outer layers of enamel. As a result, it becomes gradually weaker and eventually breaks down completely, resulting in dental caries. There are various factors that can cause dental plaque to develop, such as improper dental hygiene practices, genetics, and poor nutrition.

Another possible factor for dental decay to progress is a lack of saliva. Saliva is a natural antiseptic that neutralizes acidity of plaque. Studies indicate that children who have dry mouth, or poor saliva production, are more likely to get cavities than children with healthy saliva production. For this reason, many dentists recommend that older adults get dental checkups at least once each year.

Before dental treatment can take place, a patient will first be given a complete examination. During the examination, X-rays will be taken to see any bone loss due to cavities or cracks, any gum disease, and any structural deformities. The doctor will also look at the patient’s lips, eyes, and throat for signs of cancer or other dental problems. Once all health conditions are assessed, a treatment plan will be devised by the dentist.

Most treatments recommended by dentists involve a thorough cleaning of the mouth. This will include tooth extraction, so the entire surface of the mouth can be cleaned. If the tooth decay-causing bacteria have become resistant to treatment, antibiotics may be required. If the decay-causing bacteria are still resistant, then in addition to a tooth extraction, sutures will be used to hold the decaying tooth down until the sutures wear out.

In order to prevent tooth decay from developing into a major dental issue, people need to brush their teeth regularly and floss. They should also practice good oral hygiene habits by not eating foods or drinking beverages that are hard or chewy. People with diabetes, people who are smokers, and people who are obese should consult with their primary care physician before making any major dental treatment changes. Patients should also see their dentist for regular tooth cleanings in order to prevent tooth decay and other gum disease. Regular dental cleanings and checkups can help save a person’s teeth and save them from tooth loss later on.