Health is a condition of mental, physical and social well being where infirmity and disease are absent. The four domains of health are Physical, Cognitive, Behavioral and Technological. There are three distinct phases of health, based on how the body’s systems are organized. Health is achieved through the maintenance of these three domains, but to achieve optimal health one must take into consideration the interdependence of all these domains and their relation to one another.

Health is one of the most debated topics in the developed countries. The issue of healthcare in the United States has been heavily politicized and commercialized. Healthcare in the United States has come to depend on the insurance company rather than on the needs of the people. Due to this, the quality of healthcare is no longer in doubt despite soaring medical costs. People in the United States pay about forty percent of their total healthcare bills out of their pocket, more than any other country in the world.

It is not just physical health that matters. Mental health and well-being are just as important. It is the difference between someone who is satisfied with his or her life and someone who would change their lives if they could. Health is related to the capacity to enjoy one’s life, to be active and creative; it also includes physiological and psychological aspects such as self-awareness, knowledge, skills, motivation, and capacity to cope with challenges, disappointments and change. Mental illness can result from a poor personal response to stressors or to biological vulnerabilities.

Financial health refers to the ability to support one’s basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing, education, and basic health care. Spiritual health, on the other hand, refers to one’s ability to connect to a higher power for support and comfort. Spiritual health is related to the person’s belief system, sense of purpose, and commitment to a particular cause. Although spirituality is often thought of as having religious roots, there are many other factors that contribute to its definition and the way it affects a person’s quality of life.

There is also a connection between physical well-being and mental well-being. When a person is healthy, he or she is more likely to be physically fit and perform better at work. In addition, those who are mentally healthy tend to be happier with their lives and live longer. The ability to make healthy decisions, manage time and maintain optimal physical fitness helps to build successful careers, relationships, and entire lives.

In addition to the relationship between physical fitness and mental well-being, there is also a direct relationship between the two. The best example of this is the connection between being healthy and maintaining a high level of productivity. People who are physically fit are able to exercise longer, hold their own against fatigue, and improve their concentration levels. On the other hand, mentally healthy people are able to think and reason better and live longer. In combination, healthy lifestyle and physical fitness to create a powerful combination that can greatly improve one’s quality of life.