Health is a condition of optimum physical, emotional and social well being where infirmity and illness are absent. This state is achieved through a harmony of mind, body and spirit through the regulation of basic functions such as breathing, blood pressure and pulse rate. Health is also related to an individual capacity to deal with stress, such as an individual’s ability to overcome anxiety, depression or pain. The state of health can be maintained through the proper functioning of the body systems. A healthy diet, regular exercise and appropriate social interactions contribute to this state.
Mental Health is closely related to the physical health and vice versa. Mental health reflects one’s capacity for coping with challenging situations through the application of creative thinking, good judgment, effective communication and problem solving skills. It is essential for successful management of everyday activities in work, home, relationships and in one’s environment. Mental health therefore, is related to the physical, emotional and spiritual well being and is a reflection of an individual’s ability to cope with challenges and engage in activities that will promote physical and mental well-being.
Physical Health is the ability to have your body functioning at its optimal state. A person’s physical well-being is influenced by the quality of the food they eat, the amount of exercise they get and the kind of sleep they get. Being fit and healthy, helps you to fight against illness, become more active and to achieve goals. People who are fit have higher energy levels, are more alert and are better able to cope with stress and physical pain. Healthy people are able to live a long, productive life and are less likely to develop serious illness.
Emotional Health reflects how you feel on a day-to-day basis. If you are emotionally healthy, you will be able to face challenging situations and will be able to deal with them more successfully. Stress is known to increase the occurrence of depression and other mental illnesses. If you have a good emotional health and are able to cope with day-to-day challenges, you will be less likely to develop physical health problems. Lack of emotional well-being can lead to a number of health issues such as insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders and poor cardiovascular health.
Mental Health refers to your attitude and capacity to cope with everyday demands. A healthy mental health helps you to deal with stress and to live a productive and successful life. There are many diseases that are associated with poor mental health and these include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. People who are mentally ill are more likely to develop physical disease as they have less ability to fight infection.
The combination of all three factors may help you achieve good overall health. It is important that you pay attention to your lifestyle choices and consider making changes where needed. You may want to take steps to improve your diet, make some lifestyle changes or engage in a new hobby or sport that you previously thought to be not related to physical exercise. In addition, you may want to update your insurance plan or look for a new doctor. By making small lifestyle changes, you can start improving your health today.