Understanding your unique skin type is the cornerstone of successful skincare regiment. Dry skin may feel tight or flaky, while oily skin often looks shiny with large pores. Combination skin may contain both oily and dry patches; while sensitive skin could react badly to spicy food or new products.

1. Cleanse

No matter if your skin is oily or sensitive, it’s essential that you gently wash it twice each day in order to remove makeup residue, dirt, oil or pollution that has accumulated overnight and prevent pores from getting clogged up.

Just using makeup-remover wipes or showering may seem like enough cleansing at the end of a long day, but to get maximum benefits it’s essential that your cleanser be tailored specifically to your skin type. Over-cleansing can rob your skin of its natural oils and break down its protective barrier, leading to dryness, sensitivity and irritation.

Ideal cleansing milk and micellar water products should be chosen, as they’re great at soothing all skin types while especially effective at purifying oily skin and removing makeup. Furthermore, micellar waters have also been proven to increase skin hydration.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliating is essential to creating a healthier glow on both your face and body. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface, clog pores and inhibit the production of new cells, improving complexion by clearing away blemishes, smoothing skin texture and encouraging renewal. Regular exfoliation will enhance results further.

Exfoliation can be accomplished physically with scrubs and mechanical brushes, or chemically with acids that dissolve dead skin cells without needing to scrub. People with sensitive skin should select physical or chemical products with smaller granules (like sugar, ruby crystals or jojoba beads) which will less likely cut or irritate the skin; such an exfoliation regimen should be repeated weekly, for optimal results use a moisturizer after exfoliating.

3. Moisturize

Moisturizing is essential for all skin types. It regulates oil production and helps avoid greasy patches while soothing dry areas and smoothing fine lines. Apply it while your skin is damp from washing/rinsing as this allows it to better absorb and lock in the moisture.

If you suffer from acne-prone skin, seek a noncomedogenic moisturizer which won’t clog your pores. Also make sure that you moisturize the neck area regularly as this area often becomes dry over time.

Adopting the ideal skin-care routine requires time and experimentation, but its rewards are well worth your while. Consistency and customization are keys to finding what works for your individual skin needs – make your health a top priority to help ensure its best condition!

4. Sunscreen

Sunscreen should be applied year-round as UV rays accelerate skin aging by damaging DNA, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and sagging skin. UV exposure accelerates this process significantly and should always be protected against.

Apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen that offers protection from both UVA and UVB rays to all exposed areas, applying every two hours or more frequently during sweaty activities like swimming. Be sure to cover any exposed skin areas. Reapply every two hours when sweating or swimming to keep skin protected.

Remembering UV rays as the source of almost all melanomas, basal cell cancer and squamous cell skin cancer is crucial in avoiding future skin damage from the sun and protecting from its damaging rays. A good sunscreen will also improve skin’s appearance while slowing signs of aging.

5. Snail Secretion Filtrate

Snail slime is making waves in skin care circles as a revolutionary remedy to combat premature aging and restore softness and hydration.

Snail mucin, or snail slime, has long been utilized as an adhesive substance and to heal wounds1. Today it has also become an active component in numerous Korean beauty products purporting to have anti-ageing, acne fighting and moisturizing benefits.

Snail filtrate or snail mucin essence as it’s known on ingredients lists is the processed form of snail mucin which undergoes extensive purification processes before being made safe for cosmetic use. As a result, this liquid product doesn’t cling to skin, nor linger greasy scents when applied directly onto skin.